Reading September 14

On September 14th, Sunday, at 2 p.m., there will be a publication reading for so she had the world, with Susan Solomon’s  beautiful paintings on display, and which will also projected onto a big screen. I am excited about this event, because it will also feature...

New Collages Added

Visit the artist page to see some new collages, from 2013 and 2014. I wanted to add some of my new work. This summer I have a couple of ideas–using old busted screen window from the house i grew up in, trying to figure out the images that go with my memory of my...

IndieReader Review

Find “Manifesting Our Illusions,” by Shelly Love, an in-depth review/profile  so she had the world, at IndieReader blog.

Cracked Walnut Reading

Deborah will be reading at the Mill City Museum, Saturday, April 26, as part of the Cracked Walnut reading series. 1 pm

Pushcart Nominated

Poems from so she had the world, my new chapbook collaboration with painter Susan Solomon,  have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

From Tiger to Prayer featured

Alison Morse wrote a lovely long review of From Tiger to Prayer, “Deborah Keenan: Prompts, Poems and Pictures,” at MNArtists site. “FROM TIGER TO PRAYER IS, AT FIRST GLANCE, A MYSTERY. A collaboration between Twin Cities poet and teacher, Deborah...

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